2632 / Energy Consumption Analysis of Door Opening with a Mobile Manipulator...

Paper presented at the 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the ISTVS


Title: Energy Consumption Analysis of Door Opening with a Mobile Manipulator in the Nuclear Power Plants

Authors: Changyou Ma, Binbin Yan, Xu Xiong, Haibo Gao, and Liang Ding

Abstract: The problem of rescue is necessary for the mobile manipulator in Nuclear power plants (NPPs), however, the research on energy consumption is of great importance to the mobile manipulator in the process of rescue. In this paper, we focus on the energy consumption of nuclear power plant rescue robot about the task of door-opening, and present a method of path planning of the door opening. The energy consumption model is derived to evaluate the performances of modular manipulators. Extensive door-opening capture experiments have been carried out. The compares of the manipulator summation energy consumption of the different holding positions of knob radius rk, and the energy consumption of each joint in the same path planning are studied. Experimental results show that the minimum summation of manipulator energy consumption is the end-effector grasps the position of door knob, which is the value of rk (40mm), and the third joint of the average energy consumption is the maximal in the same path planning.

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